Cluster TemplatesPDF version

Dynamic cluster template parameters

You can add dynamic parameters to a cluster template. The values of the variables specified in the cluster template are dynamically replaced during the cluster creation phase, picking up the parameter values that you provided in the Cloudera Data Hub cluster wizard. Cloudera Data Hub supports the "mustache" formatting syntax for dynamic properties.

Production cluster configurations typically include certain configuration parameters, forcing you to create multiple versions of the same cluster template to handle different component configurations for these external systems. Dynamic parameters in a cluster template solve this problem by offering the ability to manage external sources outside of your cluster template. They use the cluster template as a blueprint, and Cloudera Data Hub injects the actual configurations into your cluster template. This simplifies the reuse of cluster configurations for external sources and simplifies the cluster templates themselves.

The following provides a list of properties that can be used in a dynamic cluster template and an example:

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