Force terminate cluster

The force terminate option can be used when cluster deletion fails.

Required role: Owner at the scope of the Data Hub (which provides delete access).

Cluster deletion may fail if Data Hub is unable to delete one or more of the cloud resources that were part of your cluster infrastructure. Use the Terminate > Force terminate option to remove the cluster entry from the Data Hub web UI. If you use this option, you must also check your cloud provider account to see if there are any resources that must be deleted manually.

  1. Log in to the CDP web interface.
  2. Navigate to the Management Console > Data Hub Clusters
  3. Browse to cluster details.
  4. Click Terminate.
  5. Check Force terminate.
  6. Click Yes to confirm.
    When terminating a cluster with Kerberos enabled, you have an option to disable Kerberos prior to cluster termination. This option removes any cluster-related principals from the KDC.
  7. This deletes the cluster tile from the UI.
  8. Log in to your cloud provider account and manually delete any resources that failed to be deleted.

If force-termination fails, you may have to delete the cluster manually.