Managing ClustersPDF version

Adding disks

Additional volumes can be added to the instances in a host group using CLI commands.

In some cases when customers run out of memory, it is cheaper to add an additional volume instead of resizing to a bigger volume. This feature allows for adding additional block storages to an instance group with minimum interruption. Only the services running on the instance group are stopped, as the additional volume has to be mounted and configured for use on the instances.

Based on the request, ‘N’ number of disks of the same type and size can be added to the instance group.

Use the following CDP CLI Beta command to add additional volumes attached to the instances in a host group. Replace the placeholders with actual values. For example, [***DATALAKE-NAME***] should be replaced with an actual name. As part of this update, the instance-template parameter in the vertical scaling command has been made optional. But one of the -- instance-template or -- disk-options have to be provided.

The addDisks request is sent as part of the --disk-options parameter. All parameters for the add disk input are required.

The [***NUMBER_OF_DISKS***] placeholder is for the number of volumes being added.

The [***VOLUME-TYPE***] placeholder is for the type of volume being added.

The [***SIZE***] placeholder is for the size the disks being added in GB. Specify only the integer value.

The cloudVolumeUsageType is the purpose for which the disk is being added; it is an enum field with either “GENERAL” or “DATABASE” value.


cdp datalake start-datalake-vertical-scaling --datalake=[***DATALAKE_NAME***] --group=[***DATALAKE_INSTANCE_GROUP_NAME***] --disk-options addDisks="{numberOfDisks=[***NUMBER_OF_DISKS_TO_ADD***], volumeType=\"[***TYPE_OF_COLUME_TO_ADD***]\",size=[***SIZE_OF_VOLUME***],cloudVolumeUsageType=\"GENERAL\"|\"DATABASE\"}"


cdp datahub start-cluster-vertical-scaling --datahub=[***DATAHUB_NAME***] --group=[***DATAHUB_INSTANCE_GROUP_NAME***] --disk-options addDisks="{numberOfDisks=[***NUMBER_OF_DISKS_TO_ADD***], volumeType=\"[***TYPE_OF_COLUME_TO_ADD***]\",size=[***SIZE_OF_VOLUME***],cloudVolumeUsageType=\"GENERAL\"|\"DATABASE\"}"

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