Stop a cluster

Cloudera Data Hub supports stopping and restarting clusters. Once a cluster is in the "Running" state, it can be stopped.

Required role: The DataHubAdmin or Owner roles at the scope of Cloudera Data Hub allow you to manage the Cloudera Data Hub cluster. Note that EnvironmentAdmin and Owner of the environment can also manage Cloudera Data Hub clusters.

  1. Log in to the Cloudera web interface.
  2. Navigate to the Cloudera Management Console > Data Hub Clusters
  3. Browse to cluster details.
  4. Click Stop to stop a currently running cluster.
  5. Click Yes to confirm.
  6. Your cluster status changes to “Stopping in progress” and then to “Stopped”.

    Messages similar to the following are written to the even history:

    Synced instance states with the cloud provider.
    8/2/2019, 6:29:39 PM
    Updated metadata of instance i-053eb3a4e560d99e5 to stopped as the cloud provider reported it as stopped.
    8/2/2019, 6:29:39 PM
    Updated metadata of instance i-081925ba5152e36d2 to stopped as the cloud provider reported it as stopped.
    8/2/2019, 6:29:38 PM
    Updated metadata of instance i-00dc4cb6a7b9429ec to stopped as the cloud provider reported it as stopped.
    8/2/2019, 6:29:37 PM
    Updated metadata of instance i-08649b04abc3b54a2 to stopped as the cloud provider reported it as stopped.
    8/2/2019, 6:29:36 PM
    Billing stopped, the cluster and its infrastructure have been stopped
    8/2/2019, 6:29:34 PM
    Infrastructure successfully stopped
    8/2/2019, 6:29:34 PM
    Infrastructure is now stopping
    8/2/2019, 6:28:51 PM
    Cluster stopped
    8/2/2019, 6:28:50 PM
    Cloudera Manager services have been stopped.
    8/2/2019, 6:28:49 PM
    Stopping Cloudera Manager services.
    8/2/2019, 6:27:28 PM
    Stopping cluster
    8/2/2019, 6:27:28 PM
    Cluster infrastructure stop requested
    8/2/2019, 6:27:26 PM

    Once stopping the infrastructure has completed, you will see a Start option to restart your cluster. When a cluster is put in the “stopped” state, cluster VMs are given back to the cloud provider. To provision new VMs, restart the cluster.