October 2022
This release of the Data Hub service introduces new features and behaviors.
Changes to Data Hub cluster deployments on AWS (October 28, 2022)
The CloudFormation template previously in use for Data Hub deployments on AWS is no longer
required for new Data Hub deployments. Clusters provisioned without the CloudFormation template
will have the following changes:
- Hostnames in the AWS Management Console appear differently between native and
CloudFormation clusters. For example:
- dev-pdp-de-fix-01-master0 is an example of a hostname in a cluster deployed with the CloudFormation template
- devpdpdefix01-164597-master-0 is an example of a hostname in a cluster deployed without the CloudFormation template
- Some of the default tags were removed during the implementation of this change from
CloudFormation to native deployed clusters:
- aws:autoscaling:groupName
- aws:cloudformation:stack-id
- aws:ec2launchtemplate:id
- aws:ec2launchtemplate:version
- aws:cloudformation:logical-id
- aws:ec2:fleet-id
- aws:cloudformation:stack-name