Image catalogs

Cloudera Data Hub provides a set of default, prewarmed images. You can also customize the default images.

Cloudera Data Hub provides a set of default prewarmed images. The prewarmed images include Cloudera Manager and Cloudera Runtime packages. Default images are available for each supported cloud provider and region as part of the default image catalog.

The following table lists the default images available:

Cloud provider Operating system Image type Description
AWS CentOS 7 Prewarmed Includes Cloudera Manager and Cloudera Runtime packages.
Azure CentOS 7 Prewarmed Includes Cloudera Manager and Cloudera Runtime packages.
Google Cloud CentOS 7 Prewarmed Includes Cloudera Managerand Cloudera Runtime packages.

Cloudera does not support base images, but does support customizing the default images. You might need to customize an image for compliance or security reasons.