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Cloudera Data Hub rolling upgrades

The Cloudera Data Hub rolling upgrade allows you to upgrade the cluster without stopping the Cloudera Data Hub cluster itself and incurring workload downtime.

Cloudera Data Hub rolling upgrades are only available for the following cluster types:

  • Cloudera Operational Database
  • Cloudera Streams Messaging

For a Cloudera Operational Database cluster to be eligible for rolling upgrade, the following requirements must be met:

  • Currently, rolling OS upgrade is only supported on Cloudera Operational Database clusters with storage selected as HDFS or cloud without ephemeral storage.
  • Rolling OS upgrade is not supported on Micro Cloudera Operational Database clusters.
Table 1.
Current Cloudera Runtime version & template Rolling upgrade support for Cloudera Runtime? Rolling OS upgrade support?
7.2.18 Yes, to 7.2.18+ (including service pack upgrades to and higher versions) Yes
7.2.17.x Yes, to 7.2.18+ Yes - Yes, to 7.3.1 Yes - Yes, to 7.3.1 Yes Yes, to 7.3.1+ Yes

For instructions on performing Cloudera Operational Database rolling upgrades, see Rolling upgrade in Cloudera Operational Database.

For a Streams Messaging cluster to be eligible for rolling upgrade, the following requirements must be met:

  • The cluster OS must be RHEL 8. Streams Messaging clusters on CentOS are not supported.
  • The cluster must be Runtime version 7.2.18 or higher version.
  • The cluster template must be Streams Messaging High Availability.
Current Cloudera Runtime version & template Rolling upgrade support for Cloudera Runtime? Rolling OS upgrade support?
7.2.18 Streams Messaging High Availability template

(Clusters created on 7.2.18 only)

Yes, to 7.2.18+ (including service pack upgrades to and higher versions) and 7.3.1 Yes, for up to 20 nodes. - Yes, to 7.3.1 Yes

In some circumstances, a rolling upgrade may not be supported for a Streams Messaging cluster, but can be enabled through entitlement. The Cloudera Data Hub upgrade UI displays information about whether a rolling upgrade is available, unavailable, or may be available under entitlement. For instructions on performing a Cloudera Data Hub cluster upgrade, including rolling upgrades, see Upgrading Cloudera Data Hub clusters. For information about obtaining an entitlement for rolling upgrade, contact Cloudera Customer Support.

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