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Recipe and cluster template parameters

The following supported parameters can be specified as variables/dynamic parameters in recipes or cluster templates by using mustache formatting with "{{{ }}}" syntax.

The parameter keys listed below follow the following general conventions:

  • { } indicates that the parameter key has multiple supported values, which are provided in this documentation. For example {fileSystemType} can be one of the following: s3, adls_gen_2, or wasb.
  • [index] indicates that the parameter includes an index value for example sharedService.datalakeComponents.[index] can be "sharedService.datalakeComponents.[0]", "sharedService.datalakeComponents.[1]", and so on. There is no easy way to find out what the index will be, but you may still be able to use these parameters (for example by creating a condition to filter them).

For information on how to set these parameters dynamically in a cluster template, refer to Setting custom properties.

Any custom property specified in the cluster template can be used as a recipe parameter. Refer to Custom properties documentation.

The general parameter group includes parameters related to general cluster configuration.

Description Example key Example value
Name of stack general.stackName teststack
UUID of cluster general.uuid 9aab7fdb-8940-454b-bc0a-62f04bce6519
Cloudera Manager user name general.cmUserName
Cloudera Manager password general.cmPassword
Cloudera Manager IP general.clusterManagerIp
Number of nodes general.nodeCount 5
FQDN of primary gateway instance general.primaryGatewayInstanceDiscoveryFQDN
Number indicating the Kafka replication factor (3 or 1) general.kafkaReplicationFactor 1

The blueprint parameter group includes parameters related to cluster template configuration.

Parameter key Description Example key Example value
blueprint.blueprintText Blueprint text in JSON format blueprint.blueprintText
blueprint.version Version of blueprint blueprint.version 7.2.8

The fileSystemConfigs parameter group includes parameters related to cloud storage configuration.

When forming the parameter keys, the {fileSystemType} should be replaced with an actual cloud storage type such as "s3", "adls_gen_2", or "wasb".

Parameter key Description Example key Example value
File system common configurations
fileSystemConfigs.{fileSystemType}.storageContainer Name of container in Azure storage account (Cloudbreak + stackId) fileSystemConfigs.s3.storageContainer cloudbreak123
fileSystemConfigs.{fileSystemType}.type Type of filesystem fileSystemConfigs.s3.type S3
fileSystemConfigs.{fileSystemType}.locations.[index].configFile Configuration file used to configure the filesystem fileSystemConfigs.s3.locations.[0].configFile hbase-site
fileSystemConfigs.{fileSystemType}.locations.[index].property Property key of filesystem path in defined config fileSystemConfigs.s3.locations.[0].property hbase.rootdir
fileSystemConfigs.{fileSystemType}.locations.[index].value Value of filesystem path in defined config fileSystemConfigs.s3.locations.[0].value s3a://testranger/testrecipe2/apps/hbase/data
Amazon S3 configurations
fileSystemConfigs.s3.storageContainer Generated name (cloudbreak + stack id number) fileSystemConfigs.s3.storageContainer cloudbreak7941
fileSystemConfigs.s3.locations.[index].configFile Hadoop component configuration file fileSystemConfigs.s3.locations.[0].configFile zeppelin-site
fileSystemConfigs.s3.locations.[index].property Component property name fileSystemConfigs.s3.locations.[0].property zeppelin.notebook.dir
fileSystemConfigs.s3.locations.[index].value Component property value fileSystemConfigs.s3.locations.[0].value s3a://storagename/clustername/zeppelin/notebook
ADLS Gen2 configurations
fileSystemConfigs.adls_gen_2.accountName Name of the corresponding Azure storage account fileSystemConfigs.adls_gen_2.accountName teststorageaccount
fileSystemConfigs.adls_gen_2.storageContainerName Name of container in Azure storage account fileSystemConfigs.adls_gen_2.storageContainerName testcontainer

The rds parameter group includes parameters related to external database configuration.

When forming the parameter keys, the {rdsType} should be replaced with the actual database type such as "cloudera_manager", "beacon", "druid", "hive", "oozie", "ranger", "superset", or some other user-defined type.

Parameter key Description Example key Example value
rds.{rdsType}.connectionURL JDBC connection URL rds.hive.connectionURL Value is specified in the following format: jdbc:postgresql://host:port/database
rds.{rdsType}.connectionDriver JDBC driver used for connection rds.hive.connectionDriver org.postgresql.Driver
rds.{rdsType}.connectionUserName Username used for the JDBC connection rds.hive.connectionUserName testuser
rds.{rdsType}.connectionPassword Password used for the JDBC connection rds.hive.connectionPassword TestPssword123
rds.{rdsType}.databaseName Target database of the JDBC connection rds.hive.databaseName myhivedb
rds.{rdsType}.host Host of the JDBC connection mydbhost
rds.{rdsType}.hostWithPortWithJdbc Host of JDBC connection with port and JDBC prefix rds.hive.hostWithPortWithJdbc Value is specified in the following format: jdbc:postgresql://host:port
rds.{rdsType}.subprotocol Sub-protocol from the JDBC URL rds.hive.subprotocol postgresql
rds.{rdsType}.connectionString URL of JDBC the connection. In case of Ranger, this does not contain the port rds.hive.connectionString Value is specified in the following format: jdbc:postgresql://host:port/database
rds.{rdsType}.databaseVendor Database vendor rds.hive.databaseVendor POSTGRES
rds.{rdsType}.withoutJDBCPrefix URL of the JDBC connection without JDBC prefix rds.hive.withoutJDBCPrefix Value is specified in the following format: host:port/database

The gateway parameter group includes parameters related to Knox gateway configuration.

Parameter key Description Example key Example value
gateway.ssoProvider Path to the SSO provider gateway.ssoProvider /test/sso/api/v1/websso
gateway.signKey Base64 encoded signing key gateway.signKey
gateway.signPub Signing certificate (x509 format) gateway.signPub
gateway.signCert Public SSH key used for signing (standard public key format) gateway.signCert

The sharedService parameter group includes parameters related to Data Lake configuration.

Parameter key Description Example key Example value
sharedService.rangerAdminPassword Admin password of the Ranger component sharedService.rangerAdminPassword Admin1234!
sharedService.datalakeCluster Flag indicating that the cluster is a data lake cluster sharedService.datalakeCluster true
sharedService.datalakeClusterManagerIp Cloudera Manager IP of data lake cluster sharedService.datalakeClusterManagerIp
sharedService.datalakeClusterManagerFqdn Cloudera Manager FQDN of data lake cluster (or the IP if FQDN cannot be found) sharedService.datalakeClusterManagerFqdn

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