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Use the HBase shell

You can use the HBase Shell from the command line interface to communicate with HBase. In Cloudera, you can create a namespace and manage it using the HBase shell. Namespaces contain collections of tables and permissions, replication settings, and resource isolation.

In Cloudera, you need to SSH into an HBase node before you can use the HBase Shell. For example, to SSH into an HBase node with the IP address, you must use the command:
ssh <username>@ 
After you have started HBase, you can access the database in an interactive way by using the HBase Shell, which is a command interpreter for HBase which is written in Ruby. Always run HBase administrative commands such as the HBase Shell, hbck, or bulk-load commands as the HBase user (typically hbase).
hbase shell
You can use the following commands to get started with the HBase shell:
  • To get help and to see all available commands, use the help command.
  • To get help on a specific command, use help "command". For example:
    hbase> help "create"
  • To remove an attribute from a table or column family or reset it to its default value, set its value to nil. For example, use the following command to remove the KEEP_DELETED_CELLS attribute from the f1 column of the users table:
    hbase> alter 'users', { NAME => 'f1', KEEP_DELETED_CELLS => nil }
  • To exit the HBase Shell, type quit.