TutorialsPDF version

Retrieve and upload keytab file

As a user, you need to retrieve the keytab file of your profile and upload it to the Streaming Analytics cluster to securely submit your Flink jobs.

  1. Navigate to Management Console > Environments, and select the environment where you have created your cluster.
  2. Click on your profile name.
  3. Click Profile.
  4. Click Actions > Get Keytab.
  5. Choose the environment where your Data Hub cluster is running.
  6. Click Download.
  7. Save the keytab file in a chosen location.

    The following short video shows how you can retrieve the keytab file:

  8. Upload your keytab file to the Streaming Analytics cluster.
    scp <location>/<your_keytab_file> <workload_username>@<manager_node_FQDN>:.