Using Apache FlinkPDF version

SQL connectors for Flink

In Flink SQL, the connector describes the external system that stores the data of a table. Cloudera Streaming Analytics offers you Kafka and Kudu as SQL connectors. You need to further choose the data formats and table schema based on your connector.

Some systems support different data formats. For example, a table that is stored in Kafka can encode its rows with CSV, JSON, or Avro. The table schema defines the schema of a table that is exposed to SQL queries. It describes how sources and sinks map the data format to the table schema.

Kudu connector
The Kudu connector in Cloudera Streaming Analytics offers compatibility with other supported catalogs, and capability to convert your Kudu tables into DataStreams. You need to add the Kudu dependency to your project, set up the catalog, and you can either use SQL queries or the Kudu catalog directly to create tables.