Getting started with Streams Messaging clusters in CDP Public CloudPDF version

Granting Machine User access to environment

Before you start working with the Machine User account, to access the Kafka cluster on CDP Public cloud, you must grant the user access to the environment that contains the cluster.

You must have created a Machine User account.
For more information on providing the user access to your cluster, see Give users access to your cluster.
  1. Navigate to Management Console > Environments, and select the environment where your Kafka cluster is running.
  2. Click Actions > Manage Access.
  3. In the search field, type the name of the Machine User and select it from the search results.
  4. Check the EnvironmentUser role and click Update Roles.

  5. Go to the environment page and click Actions > Synchronize Users to FreeIPA, to ensure that the role assignment is in effect for the environment.

  6. On the Synchronize Users to FreeIPA page, click Synchronize`Users.
You need to create Kafka topics.