Configure Kafka LDAP authentication for Kafka clients
Learn how to configure Kafka clients for LDAP authentication.
You can enable Kafka to use LDAP credentials for client to broker authentication.
Client configuration is done by adding the required properties to the client's
- Clients connecting to Data Hub provisioned clusters require a CDP user account that provides access to the required CDP resources. Verify that a CDP user account with the required roles and permissions is available for use. If not, create one. Any type of CDP user account can be used. If you are creating a new account to be used by Kafka clients, Cloudera recommends that you create a machine user account. For more information, see User Management in the Cloudera Management Console documentation.
- In addition to the CDP user account having access to the required CDP resources, the user account also needs to have the correct policies assigned to it in Ranger. Otherwise, the client cannot perform tasks on Kafka resources. These policies are specified within the Ranger instance that provides authorization to the Kafka service you want to connect to. For more information, see the Cloudera Runtime documentation on Apache Ranger and the Kafka specific Ranger documentation.
- If you are transitioning from PAM to LDAP, ensure that the usernames you specify in the client configuration are short names. Usernames that include the realm/domain are not supported.