ORDER BY clause
clause of a SELECT
statement sorts the
result set based on the values from one or more columns.
First, data is sorted locally by each impalad
then streamed to the coordinator daemon, which merges the sorted result
sets. For distributed queries, this is a relatively expensive operation
and can require more memory capacity than a query without ORDER
. Even if the query takes approximately the same time to
finish with or without the ORDER BY
subjectively it can appear slower because no results are available until
all processing is finished, rather than results coming back gradually as
rows matching the WHERE
clause are found. Therefore, if
you only need the first N results from the sorted result set, also
include the LIMIT
clause, which reduces network
overhead and the memory requirement on the coordinator node.
The full syntax for the ORDER BY
clause is:
ORDER BY col_ref [, col_ref ...] [ASC | DESC] [NULLS FIRST | NULLS LAST] col_ref ::= column_name | integer_literal
Although the most common usage is ORDER BY
, you can also specify
to sort by the first column of the result
set, ORDER BY 2
to sort by the second column, and so
on. The number must be a numeric literal, not some other kind of
constant expression. (If the argument is some other expression, even a
value, the query succeeds but the order of
results is undefined.)
ORDER BY column_number
can only be
used when the query explicitly lists the columns in the
list, not with SELECT *
Ascending and descending sorts:
The default sort order (the same as using the ASC
keyword) puts the smallest values at the start of the result set, and
the largest values at the end. Specifying the DESC
keyword reverses that order.
Sort order for NULL values:
See the NULL section for details about how
values are positioned in the sorted result set,
and how to use the NULLS FIRST
clauses. (The sort position for NULL
values in ORDER BY ... DESC
queries is changed in
Impala 1.2.1 and higher to be more standards-compliant, and the
are new in Impala 1.2.1.)
Prior to Impala 1.4.0, Impala required any query
including an ORDER_BY
clause to also use a LIMIT
In Impala 1.4.0 and higher, the LIMIT
clause is optional for ORDER
queries. In cases where sorting a huge result set requires enough memory to
exceed the Impala memory limit for a particular executor Impala daemon, Impala automatically
uses a temporary disk work area to perform the sort operation.
Complex type considerations:
In Impala 2.3 and higher, the complex data types
, and
are available. These columns cannot be referenced
directly in the ORDER BY
clause. When you query a
complex type column, you use join notation to unpack
the elements
of the complex type, and within the join query you can include an
clause to control the order in the result
set of the scalar elements from the complex type.
The following query shows how a complex type column cannot be directly
used in an ORDER BY
CREATE TABLE games (id BIGINT, score ARRAY <BIGINT>) STORED AS PARQUET; ...use LOAD DATA to load externally created Parquet files into the table... SELECT id FROM games ORDER BY score DESC; ERROR: AnalysisException: ORDER BY expression 'score' with complex type 'ARRAY<BIGINT>' is not supported.
The following query retrieves the user ID and score, only for scores
greater than one million, with the highest scores for each user listed
first. Because the individual array elements are now represented as
separate rows in the result set, they can be used in the ORDER
clause, referenced using the ITEM
pseudo-column that represents each array element.
SELECT id, item FROM games, games.score WHERE item > 1000000 ORDER BY id, item desc;
The following queries use similar ORDER BY
with variations of the GAMES
table, where the complex
type is an ARRAY
containing STRUCT
elements to represent additional details about
each game that was played. For an array of structures, the fields of the
structure are referenced as
. For an array of
maps, the keys and values within each array element are referenced as
CREATE TABLE games2 (id BIGINT, play array < struct <game_name: string, score: BIGINT, high_score: boolean> >) STORED AS PARQUET ...use LOAD DATA to load externally created Parquet files into the table... SELECT id, item.game_name, item.score FROM games2, games2.play WHERE item.score > 1000000 ORDER BY id, item.score DESC; CREATE TABLE games3 (id BIGINT, play ARRAY < MAP <STRING, BIGINT> >) STORED AS PARQUET; ...use LOAD DATA to load externally created Parquet files into the table... SELECT id, info.key AS k, info.value AS v from games3, games3.play AS plays, games3.play.item AS info WHERE info.KEY = 'score' AND info.VALUE > 1000000 ORDER BY id, info.value desc;
Usage notes:
Although the LIMIT
clause is now optional on
queries, if your query only needs some
number of rows that you can predict in advance, use the
clause to reduce unnecessary processing. For
example, if the query has a clause LIMIT 10
, each
executor Impala daemon sorts its portion of the relevant result set and
only returns 10 rows to the coordinator node. The coordinator node picks
the 10 highest or lowest row values out of this small intermediate
result set.
clause is applied to an early phase of
query processing, such as a subquery or a view definition, Impala
ignores the ORDER BY
clause. To get ordered results
from a subquery or view, apply an ORDER BY
clause to
the outermost or final SELECT
is often used in combination with
to perform top-N
SELECT user_id AS "Top 10 Visitors", SUM(page_views) FROM web_stats GROUP BY page_views, user_id ORDER BY SUM(page_views) DESC LIMIT 10;
is sometimes used in combination with
to paginate query
results, although it is relatively inefficient to issue multiple queries
like this against the large tables typically used with Impala:
SELECT page_title AS "Page 1 of search results", page_url FROM search_content WHERE LOWER(page_title) LIKE '%game%') ORDER BY page_title LIMIT 10 OFFSET 0; SELECT page_title AS "Page 2 of search results", page_url FROM search_content WHERE LOWER(page_title) LIKE '%game%') ORDER BY page_title LIMIT 10 OFFSET 10; SELECT page_title AS "Page 3 of search results", page_url FROM search_content WHERE LOWER(page_title) LIKE '%game%') ORDER BY page_title LIMIT 10 OFFSET 20;
Internal details:
Impala sorts the intermediate results of an ORDER BY
clause in memory whenever practical. In a cluster of N executor Impala
daemons, each daemon sorts roughly 1/Nth of the result set, the exact
proportion varying depending on how the data matching the query is
distributed in HDFS.
If the size of the sorted intermediate result set on any executor
Impala daemon would cause the query to exceed the Impala memory limit,
Impala sorts as much as practical in memory, then writes partially
sorted data to disk. (This technique is known in industry terminology as
external sorting
and spilling to disk
.) As each 8 MB
batch of data is written to disk, Impala frees the corresponding memory
to sort a new 8 MB batch of data. When all the data has been processed,
a final merge sort operation is performed to correctly order the
in-memory and on-disk results as the result set is transmitted back to
the coordinator node. When external sorting becomes necessary, Impala
requires approximately 60 MB of RAM at a minimum for the buffers needed
to read, write, and sort the intermediate results. If more RAM is
available on the Impala daemon, Impala will use the additional RAM to
minimize the amount of disk I/O for sorting.
This external sort technique is used as appropriate on each Impala daemon (possibly including the coordinator node) to sort the portion of the result set that is processed on that node. When the sorted intermediate results are sent back to the coordinator node to produce the final result set, the coordinator node uses a merge sort technique to produce a final sorted result set without using any extra resources on the coordinator node.
Sorting considerations:
Although you can specify an ORDER BY
clause in an
statement, any ORDER
clause is ignored, and the results are not necessarily
clause without an additional LIMIT
clause is ignored in any
view definition. If you need to sort the entire result set from a view, use an ORDER BY
clause in the SELECT
statement that queries the view. You can still make a simple top 10report by combining the
clauses in the same
view definition:
[localhost:21000] > create table unsorted (x bigint); [localhost:21000] > insert into unsorted values (1), (9), (3), (7), (5), (8), (4), (6), (2); [localhost:21000] > create view sorted_view as select x from unsorted order by x; [localhost:21000] > select x from sorted_view; -- ORDER BY clause in view has no effect. +---+ | x | +---+ | 1 | | 9 | | 3 | | 7 | | 5 | | 8 | | 4 | | 6 | | 2 | +---+ [localhost:21000] > select x from sorted_view order by x; -- View query requires ORDER BY at outermost level. +---+ | x | +---+ | 1 | | 2 | | 3 | | 4 | | 5 | | 6 | | 7 | | 8 | | 9 | +---+ [localhost:21000] > create view top_3_view as select x from unsorted order by x limit 3; [localhost:21000] > select x from top_3_view; -- ORDER BY and LIMIT together in view definition are preserved. +---+ | x | +---+ | 1 | | 2 | | 3 | +---+
With the lifting of the requirement to include a
clause in every ORDER BY
(in Impala 1.4 and higher):
Now the use of scratch disk space raises the possibility of an
out of disk space
error on a particular Impala daemon, as opposed to the previous possibility of anout of memory
error. Make sure to keep at least 1 GB free on the filesystem used for temporary sorting work.
In Impala 1.2.1 and higher, all NULL
values come at the end of the result set for
queries, and at the beginning of the result set for ORDER BY ...
queries. In effect, NULL
is considered greater than all other values for
sorting purposes. The original Impala behavior always put NULL
values at the end, even for
queries. The new behavior in Impala 1.2.1 makes Impala more compatible
with other popular database systems. In Impala 1.2.1 and higher, you can override or specify the sorting
behavior for NULL
by adding the clause NULLS FIRST
at the end of the ORDER BY
[localhost:21000] > create table numbers (x int); [localhost:21000] > insert into numbers values (1), (null), (2), (null), (3); [localhost:21000] > select x from numbers order by x nulls first; +------+ | x | +------+ | NULL | | NULL | | 1 | | 2 | | 3 | +------+ [localhost:21000] > select x from numbers order by x desc nulls first; +------+ | x | +------+ | NULL | | NULL | | 3 | | 2 | | 1 | +------+ [localhost:21000] > select x from numbers order by x nulls last; +------+ | x | +------+ | 1 | | 2 | | 3 | | NULL | | NULL | +------+ [localhost:21000] > select x from numbers order by x desc nulls last; +------+ | x | +------+ | 3 | | 2 | | 1 | | NULL | | NULL | +------+
Using ORDER BY for collections of fixed length types in SELECT list
You can now use collections of fixed length types in the sorting tuple. However, you cannot sort by these collection columns but they can be in the SELECT list along with other column(s) by which you sort.
Example of a supported query:
select id, int_array from complextypestbl order by id;
Example of an unsupported query:
select int_array from complextypestbl order by int_array;
Also note that structs that contain any type of collection (even fixed length) are not allowed in the sorting tuple.
# Sort a collection.
select id, int_array from complextypestbl order by id;
# Sort collection from HMS view.
select id, int_array from complextypes_arrays_only_view order by id;
# Sort collection from WITH-clause inline view.
with v as (select id, int_array from complextypestbl) select id, int_array from v order by id;
# Sort collection from nested query inline view.
select id, int_array from (select id, int_array from complextypestbl) v order by id;
Related information:
See the SELECT
statement for further examples of queries with the ORDER
Analytic functions use the ORDER BY
clause in a
different context to define the sequence in which rows are analyzed. See
Impala analytic functions for