To configure and edge node on AWS for your Cloudera Operational Database (COD), you have
to configure network line-of-sight. One way to configure network line-of-slight is to reuse
the subnets that were created for CDP.
As a part of the initial CDP setup, you have already created subnet(s) or CDP has
automatically created this for you. You can use the standard EC2 service in the AWS
Console or AWS CLI to launch an EC2 node in one of these subnets. You can choose a
Linux distribution, the EBS or instance storage, and the instance type of your
choice. Ensure that you allocate enough resources for the edge node based on your
use case and requirements.
Create an EC2 node using the AWS console. For example, Amazon Linux 2 AMI
(HVM), SSD Volume Type.
Select an instance type. For example: t3.xlarge
Click Select Instance Details..
Select your CDP VPC.
Select a subnet from the VPC.
If you have created both public and private subnets, choose the
public subnet.
Click Auto-assign Public IP to be
Click Next: Add Storage.
Optionally you can increase the EBS volume size depending on your
Click Next, and then Add Tags as
required by your IT policies.
Click Next: Configure Security Group.
Add a rule for Inbound SSH on port 22 in one of the
following ways:
Choose from My UP to allow SSH from your
Provide an appropriate range for your corporate network.
Click Review and Launch, and then click
Specify the SSH key pair.
Open a terminal on your computer, and SSH to the instances as the ec2-user
using the Public DNS (IPv4) address after the instance launches.
Validate that you have a networking line-of-sight correctly configured.