Managing Apache KafkaPDF version


Learn about the kafka-cluster CLI tool, which you can use to print the ID of a Kafka cluster.

Use the kafka-cluster tool to retrieve the ID of the Kafka cluster. The ID of a Kafka cluster is automatically generated by Cloudera Manager when you first start your Kafka service. The ID you retrieve is used when carrying out management actions for your Kafka service using other CLI tools.
kafka-cluster cluster-id --bootstrap-server [***HOST***]:[***PORT***] --config [***PROPERTY FILE***] 
  • Replace [***HOST***]:[***PORT***] with the host and port of a broker.
  • Replace [***PROPERTY FILE***] with the location of a configuration file that contains all necessary security properties that are required to establish a connection with the Kafka service. This option is only required if your Kafka service is secured.
Output example:
Cluster ID: 8TMmf99zQR-KIy5bF1lmZQ