Fixed Issues in Apache Hive

Review the list of Hive issues that are resolved in Cloudera Runtime 7.2.18.

CDPD-35164: Support creation of column histogram statistics
Hive supports the creation of column histogram statistics and uses it at query planning.
CDPD-49145: Oozie and Spark tests are failing in pre-phase (mul-comp-pre) with Zookeeper-based or direct JDBC URL to Hive
HiveServer uses InetAddress.getHostName() API to get its hostname and register itself with Zookeeper. The API behaviour changed on JDK 11 with specific operating systems to return just the hostname without the domain suffix. Therefore, HiveServer is inaccessible to clients when the server information is obtained from Zookeeper. To address this issue, the InetAddress.getCanonicalHostName() API is used to fetch the hostname with the fully qualified domain.
CDPD-49507: {OWNER} policy not working with HIVE UDFs in RangerHiveAuthorizer
The UDFs used in Hive will now honor {Owner} polices in ranger with this patch.
CDPD-50730: Hive WebUI HTTP 500 error due to JAR order in classpath
The issue was fixed by removing javax.servlet.jsp-api dependency from HiveServer2, which helps to avoid the intermittent NullPointerException while opening the home web page.
CDPD-51885: Column statistics are not getting published after an insert query into an external table with custom location
The fix ensures that the column status is published after an insert into the external table created with an empty custom location.
CDPD-55914: Select query on table with remote database returns NULL values with postgreSQL and Redshift data connectors
Few datatypes are not mapped from Postgres or Redshift to Hive data types in the connector, which resulted in displaying null values for the columns of those data types. This issue is fixed.
CDPD-56205: [Security Vulnerability reported] added redirect url check in strategy
Added a validation to ensure the URL used during SSO workflow is proper (http/https).
CDPD-57988: Modify the conditions to enter the BETWEEN histogram selectivity code and account for NULLs
Fixed incorrect filter selectivity of BETWEEN expressions when using histograms.
CDPD-63449: Alter table add partition is failing with error: " Got exception: java.nio.file.AccessDeniedException"
Alter table add partition runs without any exception. The issue was noticed on the HMS API side and was fixed.
CDPD-64293: Compaction cleaner is turned off by default in Public Cloud resulting in compaction test failures
The value of the hive.compactor.cleaner.on property is set to 'true' for the compactor to run on the HMS instance.

Technical Service Bulletins

TSB-732 2024: Incorrect results are generated by Hive JOIN when bloom filter is activated
For the latest update on this issue see the corresponding Knowledge article: TSB 2024-732: Incorrect results are generated by Hive JOIN when bloom filter is activated

Apache Patch Information

  • HIVE-27116
  • HIVE-27147
  • HIVE-27163
  • HIVE-27179
  • HIVE-27316
  • HIVE-27554
  • HIVE-26655