Managing and Allocating Cluster Resources using Capacity SchedulerPDF version

Resource allocation overview

You can allocate resources to queues by using either the Absolute mode, in which the actual units of vCores and memory resources are allocated, the Relative mode, in which resources are allocated as a percentage of total resources, or in the Weight mode, in which resources are allocated as a fraction of total resources or in the Mixed mode, in which you specify the resources in a combination of these allocation modes.

  • Relative mode: In the YARN Queue Manager UI, the capacity value is shown as a percentage. When editing queue resources, capacities are specified in percentages. The capacity allocated to a set of sibling queues must equal 100% of the parent.
  • Absolute mode: In the YARN Queue Manager UI, the capacity value is shown in units. When editing queue resources, a separate tab is displayed for each resource type. The total allocated capacity must be less than or equal to the capacity of the parent.
  • Weight mode: In the YARN Queue Manager UI, the capacity value is shown as a numerical value and is suffixed with “w”. For example, 5w. When editing queue resources, capacities are specified in weights or fractions of total resources. The resources are divided based on how the queue's weight relates to the sum of configured weights under the parent.
  • Mixed mode (Technical Preview): In this mode, you can specify the resources in mixed types by updating the XML configuration using Cloudera Manager. You can specify the actual units of vcores and memory resources for each queue or specify the percentage of the total resources used by each queue or specify a weight for each queue. You can use a combination of these allocation modes. The queues under one parent can also mix their modes. For more information, see Setting capacity using mixed resource allocation mode.