Configuring Streams Replication ManagerPDF version

Configuring the driver role target clusters

The Streams Replication Manager Driver role's target clusters are the clusters that the driver is writing data to. You can configure these target clusters for each instance of the driver with the Streams Replication Manager Driver Target Cluster property. Custom configuration of these targets is only recommended in advanced deployments.

The Streams Replication Manager Driver role is responsible for connecting to the specified clusters and performing replication between them. The driver can be installed on one or more hosts within a cluster.

The clusters the driver connects to are the clusters that you specify with the Streams Replication Manager Cluster alias and Streams Replication Manager's Replication Configs properties.

Target clusters of the driver are clusters that the driver writes data to. By default when the driver is started it will connect to all clusters, gather data from them, and write to all of them. In other words, by default a driver targets all clusters in your configuration. You can limit the number of clusters that each driver targets. This can be done with the Streams Replication Manager Driver Target Cluster property, which allows you to specify which cluster or clusters the driver targets.

When you specify a driver target, the driver still connects to all clusters and gathers data from them, but will only write to the clusters specified.

However, in order for monitoring to function correctly, the driver has to target all clusters taking part in the replication. That is, it has to contain the actual target, the cluster you want to write data to, as well as the source clusters for that target, where data is being pulled from. If the source clusters are not specified, you will not be able to monitor your replications. As a result of this, configuring driver targets and limiting the number of clusters each instance of the driver writes to is considered an advanced configuration practice. This practice is only viable in complex replication scenarios that involve a high number clusters and replications. Therefore, Cloudera recommends that you either leave this property empty or add all clusters taking part in the replication.

By default the Streams Replication Manager Driver Target Cluster property is left empty, meaning that all clusters are targeted. The property accepts any cluster alias that is specified in Streams Replication Manager Cluster alias. When adding multiple cluster aliases, delimit them with a comma.

  1. In Cloudera Manager, select Streams Replication Manager.
  2. Go to Configuration.
  3. Find the Streams Replication Manager Driver Target Cluster property.
  4. Add the cluster aliases that you want the driver role to target. For example:
    primary, secondary
  5. Enter a Reason for change, and then click Save Changes to commit the changes.
  6. Restart Streams Replication Manager.
Driver targets are configured. Drivers only write data to the targeted clusters.