What's New in Apache Hadoop YARN and YARN Queue Manager

Learn about the new features of Hadoop YARN and YARN Queue Manager in Cloudera Runtime 7.2.18.

Apache Hadoop YARN

Mixed resource allocation mdoe (Technical Preview)

You can now specify the resources in mixed types. You can specify the actual units of vcores and memory resources for each queue or specify the percentage of the total resources used by each queue or specify a weight for each queue. You can use a combination of these allocation modes. The queues under one parent can also mix their modes. For more information, see Mixed resource allocation mode

YARN Queue Manager

Java heap size can now be configured

You can now customize Java heap size in YARN Queue Manager. Although the default for this setting should be valid in most deployment scenarios, you have the option to update the setting only if a given cluster has run into memory-management issues, otherwise, the settings can remain.