Known Issues in Apache Hive
Learn about the known issues in Hive, the impact or changes to the functionality, and the workaround.
- CDPD-60418: Hive beeline queries are failing with a
error - When running Hive beeline queries on a custom Data Engineering
Data Hub cluster on a Google Cloud Platform (GCP) environment with Ranger Authorization
Service (RAZ), the queries failed. It was noticed that the cluster has multiple connection
failures from HiveServer (HS2) to dependent services.
On further analysis, it was observed that the issue is related to the
parameter that was provided in the custom cluster template configuration. OpenSSL is not supported for RAZ on a GCP environment. - CDPD-60770: Beeline Authentication Issue with Special Characters in Passwords
- When LDAP is enabled, users cannot authenticate with Beeline if
the password contains a special character. For example, the following string
beeline -u jdbc:hive2://<host>:<port>/<dbName>;user=user@XXX;password='R3G#xpXyoy1MOJb1'
- CDPD-15518: ACID tables you write using the Hive Warehouse Connector cannot be read from an Impala virtual warehouse.
- Read the tables from a Hive virtual warehouse or using Impala queries in Data Hub.
- CDPD-13636: Hive job fails with OutOfMemory exception in the Azure DE cluster
- Set the parameter hive.optimize.sort.dynamic.partition.threshold=0. Add this parameter in Cloudera Manager (Hive Service Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) for hive-site.xml)
- ENGESC-2214: Hiveserver2 and HMS service logs are not deleted
- Update Hive log4j configurations. Hive -> Configuration -> HiveServer2 Logging Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) Hive Metastore -> Configuration -> Hive Metastore Server Logging Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) Add the following to the configurations: appender.DRFA.strategy.action.type=DELETE appender.DRFA.strategy.action.basepath=${log.dir} appender.DRFA.strategy.action.maxdepth=1 appender.DRFA.strategy.action.PathConditions.glob=${log.file}.* appender.DRFA.strategy.action.PathConditions.type=IfFileName appender.DRFA.strategy.action.PathConditions.nestedConditions.type=IfAccumulatedFileCount appender.DRFA.strategy.action.PathConditions.nestedConditions.exceeds=same value as appender.DRFA.strategy.max
- CDPD-10848: HiveServer Web UI displays incorrect data
- If you enabled auto-TLS for TLS encryption, the HiveServer2 Web UI does not display the correct data in the following tables: Active Sessions, Open Queries, Last Max n Closed Queries
- CDPD-11890: Hive on Tez cannot run certain queries on tables stored in encryption zones
- This problem occurs when the Hadoop Key Management Server (KMS) connection is SSL-encrypted and a self signed certificate is used. SSLHandshakeException might appear in Hive logs.