What's New in Apache Oozie

There are no new features for Apache Oozie in this release of Cloudera Runtime.

Spark 3 support in Oozie
Oozie introduced the new Spark 3 based Spark 3 actions. For more information, see Spark 3 support in Oozie.
Make hive-site.xml, hbase-site.xml and sqoop-site.xml available for all Oozie actions
Now Oozie automatically copies the hive-site.xml, hbase-site.xml, and sqoop-site.xml to all action's classpath. For more information, see Oozie and client configurations.
Handle Sqoop Teradata Connector parcels installation and configuration for Oozie
When you install a Sqoop Teradata connector parcel, Cloudera Manager will automatically make the necessary Jars and configuration available to Oozie's Sqoop action.
Database connection properties enhancements
When it comes to configuring database connections, simply providing a hostname, port, username, and password may not be sufficient. In order to optimize Oozie's database connection, you might need to manually construct lengthy connection and configuration strings using safety-valve settings. To simplify this process and enable finer control over Oozie's database connection, you can use several enhancements. For more information, see Fine-tuning Oozie's database connection.