Getting started with Streams Messaging clusters in CDP Public CloudPDF version

Create consumer group policy

Learn how to grant privileges to a Machine User for using consumer groups to consume data from the Kafka topics by using the Ranger UI. You create a new policy, select the Machine User, and add permissions for the Machine User.

You must have created a Machine User, granted environment access to the Machine User, and created two Kafka topics.
  1. Click Add New Policy, to create a new one, and enter the following details:
    • Policy Name: Machine Data consumer groups
    • Consumer group: machine-data*
    • Description: All consumer groups prefixed with machine-data
  2. Below the Allow Conditions section, click on the empty Select User box and select the Machine User you had created.
    You can type the name of the user to filter the list of users. Also note that the user name appears with the srv_ prefix, indicating that it is a Machine User.
  3. Click Add Permissions, select the Consume and Describe permissions and then click the tick mark.
  4. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Add to save the policy.
Now you should see your new policies listed in Ranger. Your Machine User is ready for use.
You can start producing data to the Kafka topic.