Delete a model from Model Registry

You can delete a model from Model Registry through the UI or by means of an API call.

Deleting through the UI

  1. In Model Registry, find the model to delete.
  2. In Actions, select Delete.
  3. Click OK to confirm deleting the model.

The model is deleted from the Model Registry.

Deleting a model with an API call

You can run API calls in the session workbench to delete a model.

  1. Use the first two commands to obtain the model_id:
    The json output of the command includes an example model_id as shown here:
    'model_id': '7xwf-e6pl-tb28-iylh',
  2. Insert the model_id (replace the example shown below with your own value) to the following command and run it.

The model is deleted from the Model Registry.