Granting CDP Users Access to Cloudera Machine Learning Workspaces

This topic describes how to grant the MLAdmin and MLUser roles to users/groups that must be allowed to provision/list and access ML workspaces within a specific environment.

  1. Log in to the CDP web interface.
  2. For a specific environment, grant the MLAdmin and MLUser roles to users/groups that must be allowed to provision/list and access ML workspaces within that environment. In addition, if a user needs to provision, upgrade, or delete an ML workspace, they also need the account-level EnvironmentAdmin role assigned. For more information, see Understanding account roles and resource roles.
    1. Click Environments.
    2. Search for the environment and navigate to the environment's Clusters page.
    3. Expand the Actions dropdown and click Manage Access.
    4. Search for the user or group that requires access to the CML service in this environment and assign one of the following roles to each user/group:
      • MLAdmin - This role grants a CDP user/group the ability to create and delete Cloudera Machine Learning workspaces within a given CDP environment. MLAdmins will also have Site Administrator level access to all the workspaces provisioned within this environment. That is, they can run workloads, monitor, and manage all user activity on these workspaces.


      • MLUser - This role grants a CDP user/group the ability to list Cloudera Machine Learning workspaces provisioned within a given CDP environment. MLUsers will also be able to run workloads on all the workspaces provisioned within this environment.
    5. Click Update Roles.
    6. If necessary, search for and assign the EnvironmentAdmin role in the same way.