Create subnets

Within a virtual network, you need to create one or more subnets for workbenches. Cloudera AI Workbenches cannot share subnets, so if you are planning to create multiple Cloudera AI Workbenches you will need to create one subnet for each workbench. In addition, if you plan to use Azure NetApp Files for NFS, one dedicated subnet must be created and delegated to Azure NetApp Files.

  1. Open the Virtual Network for your environment.
  2. Click the Subnets in the left-hand navigation and then +Subnet.
  3. Enter the name of the subnet, for example ‘workbench-1’.
  4. Enter the IP address range as a CIDR address. A /25 network should be sufficient.
  5. Create a subnet for each workbench you plan to provision.
  6. Create a subnet named ‘netapp’. Only one subnet needs to be delegated to 'netapp'. The ‘netapp’ subnet is used for Cloudera AI infrastructure purposes only, and cannot be used for a workbench. Make sure that the CIDR ranges specified do not overlap.
  7. In the ‘netapp’ subnet Info page, under Subnet delegation, select Microsoft.Netapp/volumes.
  8. Click Save.

Create a subnet with the CLI

You can use the CLI to create subnets, as shown in this example.

az network vnet subnet create \ 
--resource-group my-cdp-resource-group \ 
--vnet-name my-cdp-vnet \ 
--name my-cml-subnet-1 \ 
--address-prefix \ 
--service-endpoints Microsoft.Sql 

This example creates a subnet for the NetApp Files volume:

az network vnet subnet create \ 
--resource-group my-cdp-resource-group \ 
--vnet-name my-cdp-vnet \ 
--name my-anf-subnet \ 
--address-prefix \ 
--delegations Microsoft.NetApp/volumes 

The --delegations and --service-endpoints flags can also be applied to an existing subnet by using the az network vnet subnet update command.