ProjectsPDF version

Configuring a browser-based IDE at the Project level

The following steps are only required if you want to use an editor that is not included in the default engine image that ships with Cloudera AI.

Before you start, verify that you have installed the browser-based Integrated Development Environment (IDE) of your choice to the project. For information about how to install additional packages to a project, see Installing Additional Packages.
Perform the following steps to add an editor to a project:
  1. Open the Cloudera AI web UI.
  2. Go to the project you want to configure an editor for.
  3. Go to Settings > Editors and click New Editor.
  4. Complete the fields:
    • Name: Provide a name for the editor. This is the name that appears in the dropdown menu for Editors when you start a new session.
    • Command: Enter the command to start the server for the editor on the Cloudera AI public port specified in the CDSW_APP_PORT environment variable (default 8081).

      For example, the following command starts Jupyter Lab on the port specified by the CDSW_APP_PORT environment variable:

      /home/cdsw/.local/bin/jupyter-lab --no-browser --ip= --port=${CDSW_APP_PORT} --NotebookApp.token= --NotebookApp.allow_remote_access=True --log-level=ERROR
      This is the same command you used to start the IDE to test it in a session.
  5. Save the changes.
    When a user starts a new session, the editor you added is available in the list of editors. Browsers must be configured to accept cookies and allow pop-up windows from the Cloudera AI web UI.

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