The collection of AMPs available to end users can draw from one or more sources. For
example, you might have an internal company catalog in addition to the default Cloudera
catalog. The catalog must be provided with a catalog file and one or more project metadata
YAML files.
Specify Catalog File URL if your git hosting service allows
you to access the raw content of the repo without authenticating. (That is, the source
files can be retrieved with a curl command, and do not require logging into a web page).
Otherwise, specify the Git Repository URL. To use a git
repository as a catalog source, the catalog file and the AMP files must be in a
repository that can be cloned with git clone without authentication.
As an Administrator, go to .
Select Git Repository URL or Catalog File
URL to specify a new source. Paste or enter the URL to the new
source, and file name for the catalog file if necessary.
Click Add Source.
The catalog YAML file is loaded, and the projects found there are displayed in
Catalog Entries.
If there are projects that are not yet ready for use, or that should not be
displayed in the catalog, deselect Enabled in the
Catalog Entries.