Obtaining kubeconfig on Azure
Consider the following guidelines for obtaining kubeconfig
Locate the
cluster identifier for your Cloudera AI Inference service by issuing a describe command using Cloudera CLI:
$ cdp ml describe-ml-serving-app --app-crn [***APPLICATION-NAME***]
"app": {
"appName": "[***APPLICATION-NAME***]",
"appCrn": "[***APPLICATION-CRN***]",
"environmentCrn": "[***ENVIRONMENT-CRN***]",
"environmentName": "[***ENVIRONMENT-NAME***]",
"ownerEmail": "user@org.com",
"mlServingVersion": "1.2.0-b72",
"isPrivateCluster": false,
"creationDate": "2024-05-07T14:27:16.817000+00:00",
"cluster": {
"clusterName": "ml-1fcaa8cf-a94",
"domainName": "[***DOMAIN-NAME***]"
"liftieID": "liftie-3544nrdr",
"isPublic": false,
"ipAllowlist": "",
"authorizedIpRangesAllowList": false
"status": "installation:finished",
"usePublicLoadBalancer": false,
"httpsEnabled": true
The cluster identifier is in app.cluster.liftieID
Locate this entry in the Azure Portal’s Kubernetes services page and do the following: