Configure a browser-based IDE at Legacy Engine level
You can make a browser-based Integrated Development Environment (IDE) available to any project within a Cloudera AI deployment by creating a customized legacy engine image, installing the editor to it, and adding it to the trusted list for a project. Additionally, browser IDEs that require root permission to install, such as RStudio, can only be used as part of a customized legacy engine image.
When a user launches a session, they can select the customized legacy engine with the editors available. The following steps describe how to make a customized legacy engine image for RStudio:
Create a Dockerfile for the new custom image. Note that the Base
Engine Image uses Ubuntu, and you must use Base Engine Image v9 or
The following sample Dockerfile is for RStudio:
#Dockerfile FROM WORKDIR /tmp #Delete the Cloudera repository that is inaccessible because of the paywall RUN rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* #The RUN commands that install an editor #For example: RUN apt-get install myeditor RUN apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade -y && \ apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \ libapparmor1 \ libclang-dev \ lsb-release \ psmisc \ sudo #The command that follows RUN is the same command you used to install the IDE to test it in a the session. RUN wget && \ dpkg -i rstudio-server-1.2.1335-amd64.deb COPY rserver.conf /etc/rstudio/rserver.conf COPY rstudio-cdsw /usr/local/bin/rstudio-cdsw RUN chmod +x /usr/local/bin/rstudio-cdsw
Create rserver.conf:
# Must match CDSW_APP_PORT www-port=8090 server-app-armor-enabled=0 server-daemonize=0 www-address= auth-none=1 auth-validate-users=0
Make sure that thewww-port
property matches the port set in theCDSW_APP_PORT
environment variable (default 8090). -
Create rstudio-cdsw:
#!/bin/bash # This saves RStudio's user runtime information to /tmp, which ensures several # RStudio sessions can run in the same project simultaneously mkdir -p /tmp/rstudio/sessions/active mkdir -p /home/cdsw/.rstudio/sessions if [ -d /home/cdsw/.rstudio/sessions/active ]; then rm -rf /home/cdsw/.rstudio/sessions/active; fi ln -s /tmp/rstudio/sessions/active /home/cdsw/.rstudio/sessions/active # This ensures RStudio picks up the environment. This may not be necessary if # you are installing RStudio Professional. See # # SPARK_DIST_CLASSPATH is treated as a special case to workaround a bug in R # with very long environment variables. env | grep -v ^SPARK_DIST_CLASSPATH >> /usr/local/lib/R/etc/ echo "Sys.setenv(\"SPARK_DIST_CLASSPATH\"=\"${SPARK_DIST_CLASSPATH}\")" >> /usr/local/lib/R/etc/ # Now start RStudio /usr/sbin/rstudio-server start
Build the Dockerfile:
docker build -t <image-name>:<tag> . -f Dockerfile
If you want to build your image on a Cloudera AI Workbench, you must add the--network=host
option to the build command:docker build --network=host -t <image-name>:<tag> . -f Dockerfile
Distribute the image:
- Push the image to a public registry such as DockerHub.
For instructions, refer the Docker documentation.
- Push the image to your company's Docker registry.
When using this method, make sure to tag your image with the following schema:
docker tag <image-name> <company-registry>/<user-name>/<image-name>:<tag>
Once the image has been tagged properly, use the following command to push the image:
docker push <company-registry>/<user-name>/<image-name>:<tag>
- Push the image to a public registry such as DockerHub.
Add the image to the trusted list in Cloudera AI:
- Log in to the Cloudera AI web UI as a site administrator.
- Click Admin > Engines.
to the list of trusted engine images.
Add the new legacy engine to the trusted list for a project:
- Go to the project Settings page.
- Click Engines.
- Select the new customized legacy engine from the dropdown list of available Docker images. Sessions and jobs you run in your project will have access to this engine.
- Configure RStudio for the project. When this is done, you will
be able to select RStudio from the dropdown list of editors on the
Launch New Sesssion page.
- Go to Settings > Editors and click New Editor.
- Complete the fields:
- Name: Provide a name for the editor. For example, RStudio. This is the name that appears in the dropdown menu for Editors when you start a new session.
- Command: Enter the command to start the server for
the editor.
For example, the following command will start RStudio:
- Save the changes.