RuntimesPDF version

Installing a Jupyter kernel

Jupyter kernels are “connections” through which a notebook (or other part of JupyterLab) can talk to a particular interpreter. CDSW includes one kernel in each JupyterLab Runtime: Python 3.6, Python 3.7, or Python 3.8.

Jupyter kernels are “connections” through which a notebook (or other part of JupyterLab) can talk to an interpreter. ML Runtimes come with a Jupyter kernel for Python 3.6, 3.7 or 3.8 preinstalled, but you may also install Jupyter kernels for bash or JavaScript/TypeScript.

The following example describes how to enable a bash kernel in a particular project.

  1. Launch a JupyterLab session.
  2. Open a terminal window and run the following command:
    pip install bash_kernel
    python -m bash_kernel.install

You should now have the option to launch bash notebooks and consoles.

The following example describes how to enable JavaScript and TypeScript kernels in a particular project. .

  1. Customize your PATH environment variable:
    1. Navigate to Project Settings/Advanced.
    2. Set PATH to $HOME/node_modules/.bin:$PATH.
  2. Launch a JupyterLab session.
  3. Open a terminal window and run the following command:
    npm install tslab
    tslab install

You should now have the option to launch JavaScript and TypeScript notebooks and console.

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