APIPDF version

Cloudera AI API v2

Cloudera AI exposes a REST API that you can use to perform operations related to projects, jobs, and runs. You can use API commands to integrate Cloudera AI with third-party workflow tools or to control Cloudera AI from the command line.

API v2 supersedes the existing Jobs API. For more information on the Jobs API, see Jobs API in the Related information section, below.

You can view the comprehensive API specification on the REST API v2 Reference page. See Related information, below, for the link.

You can also obtain the specification of the available API commands directly from Cloudera AI. In a browser, enter the following addresses:
  • REST API: https://<domain name of Cloudera AI instance>/api/v2/swagger.html
  • Python API: https://<domain name of Cloudera AI instance>/api/v2/python.html
You can also get json formatted output, by specifying swagger.json.

API key authentication

To get started, generate an API key. The API key is a randomly generated token that is unique to each user. It must be treated as highly sensitive information because it can be used to start jobs via the API. You need this API key to use in API calls.
  1. In the Cloudera console, click the Cloudera AI tile. The Cloudera AI Workbenches page displays.
  2. Click on the name of the workbench. The Workbenches Home page displays.
  3. In User Settings > API Keys, click Create API Key. The Confirm create API Key dialog box displays.
  4. In Expiry Date, select the expiry date of the API key.
  5. In Audiences, select the scope of the token. Application refers to the Cloudera AI Workbench applications and API refers to the Cloudera AI Workbench API v2. The generated key can be used to access API or applications.
  6. Click Create.

Using curl from the command line

To use the curl command, it is convenient to store the domain and API key in environmental variables, as shown here:
  1. Copy the API key.
  2. Open a terminal, and store it to a variable. On unix-based systems:

    export API_KEY=<paste the API key value here>

  3. Copy the domain name, which is in the address bar of the browser. On unix-based systems: export CDSW_DOMAIN=<domain> (a value like: ml-xxxx123456.com).

Example commands

If you have some projects, jobs, and runs already set up in your Cloudera AI Workbench, here are some commands to try:
  • List available projects:
    curl -X GET -H "authorization: Bearer $API_KEY" https://$CDSW_DOMAIN/api/v2/projects | jq

    You can format the output for readability by piping through jq, a formatting utility.

  • To access an application using the API key:
    curl -X GET -H "authorization: Bearer $API_KEY" https://$CDSW_APP_DOMAIN
  • You can filter the output like so:
    curl -X GET -H “authorization: Bearer $API_KEY” https://$CDSW_DOMAIN/api/v2/projects?searchFilter=demo |  jq

    The output is limited to those projects that have the word “demo” in them.

    You can also paginate the output, for example by limiting each page to two projects. To do this, replace the string starting from the ‘?’ character with this: ?pageSize=2

    The output ends with a next_page_token and a string value. To get the next page use this: ?pageSize=2&pageToken=<token>

To use the Python API in your own code, first install the Python API client and point it to your cluster.

pip3 install https://$CDSW_DOMAIN/api/v2/python.tar.gz

Include the following code, and specify the values for <CDSW_DOMAIN> and <API_KEY> with variables or values for your installation.

# In a session:
    api_instance = default_client()
   # Outside a session:
   default_client("https://"+cluster, APIKEY)

Then you can use commands in your script, such as a call to list projects:

projects = api_instance.list_projects()

The API returns objects that store values as attributes. To access the values, use dot notation. Do not use bracket notation as you would with a dictionary. For example:

myproj = client.create_project(...)

# This doesn't work:

# But this does

Check the Python documentation for a full list of the available API commands.

Here is an example of a stub Python script that contains the environmental variables for your installation. Save it to your computer and run it locally to get a Python prompt for API commands.


import clap
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=‘Test the generated python package.’)
parser.add_argument(“—host”, type=str, help=‘The host name of your workbench”)
parser.add_argument(“—token”, type=str, help=‘Your API key”)
args = parser.parse_args()
config = clap.Configuration()
config.host = ars.host
client = cmlapi.ApiClient(config)
client.set_default_header(“authorization”, “Bearer “ + args.token)
api = cmlapi.Apiapi(client)
Run the script from your command line:
python3 -i demo.py —host https://$CDSW_DOMAIN —token $API_KEY
This returns a Python prompt with api available. You can run api calls from the prompt, as follows:
>>> api
<cmlapi.api.api_api.ApiApi object at 0xlasjoid>
>>> api.api_list_projects()
You can specify a search filter, such as the following:
api.api_list_projects(page_size=2, page_token=‘<token value>’)