Creating a Cloudera AI Registry on an Azure UDR Private Cluster

Use the following template Cloudera Data Platform CLI command to create a UDR private cluster on Azure with a Cloudera AI Registry.

You must replace the following template items with your own information.

  • <environment CRN>
  • <environment name> (in two places)
  • <subnet>

Model registries are also supported on Azure private clusters with UDR. For more information about UDR, see the Preview Feature documentation.

If you have not yet downloaded the Cloudera Data Platform CLI tool, see the documentation.

Use the latest version of the Cloudera Data Platform CLI.

Cloudera Data Platform CLI command to create a Cloudera AI Registry

This Cloudera Data Platform CLI command performs has three key sections:

  1. Enables support for private clusters in Azure ( "privateCluster": true, )
  2. Enables UDR for the private cluster ("outboundTypes": ["OUTBOUND_TYPE_UDR"],)
  3. Specifies the subnet for the UDR-enabled private cluster ("subnets")
cdp ml create-model-registry --cli-input-json {
    "environmentCrn": "<environment CRN>",
    "environmentName": "<environment name>",
    "privateCluster": true,
    "usePublicLoadBalancer": false,
    "outboundTypes": [
    "provisionK8sRequest": {
        "network": {
            "topology": {
                "subnets": [                     
                  "<subnet>" # subnet with a default route configuration to forward the traffic to the network appliance or firewall. This is required to enable UDR.