Configuring Cruise ControlPDF version

Adding Cruise Control as a service

You need to use the Add Service wizard in Cloudera Manager to have Cruise Control service on your cluster. After selecting the host you want to add the Cruise Control role to, you need to review the default configurations. These configurations can also be set later after adding Cruise Control as a service.

  1. Open Cloudera Manager.
  2. Select the drop-down menu to the right of your cluster on the Home screen.
  3. Select Add Service.
    The Add Service wizard starts.
  4. Select Cruise Control as the type of service from the list of services, then click Continue.
  5. Assign roles to Cruise Control, then click Continue.
  6. Check the default and suggested settings for configuration parameters on the Review Changes page, and set if needed.
  7. Click Continue and wait until the first run of the Cruise Control service is completed.
  8. Click Continue and then Finish.

You have added Cruise Control as a service in Cloudera Manager.