Managing Apache HivePDF version

Configuring partitions for transactions

You set a couple of parameters, to prevent or permit dynamic partitioning, that inserts, updates, or deletes data into partitions implicitly created on the table.

Configuring partitioning involves changing the following parameters to meet your needs:
  • hive.exec.max.dynamic.partitions
  • hive.exec.max.dynamic.partitions.pernode

You set hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode to strict to prevent dynamic partitioning or to nonstrict (the default) to include INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements in your transaction applications.

  1. In Cloudera Manager > Clusters select the Hive service. Click Configuration, and search for hive-site.xml.
  2. In HiveServer2 Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) for hive-site.xml, click + and add the hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode property.
  3. Set the value to nonstrict.
  4. Save the changes and restart the Hive service.