Installing CDP Private Cloud BasePDF version

Remove Cloudera Manager, User Data, and Databases

Permanently remove Cloudera Manager data, the Cloudera Manager lock file, and user data. Then stop and remove the databases.

  1. On all Agent hosts, stop any running Cloudera Manager and managed processes:
    for u in cloudera-scm flume hadoop hdfs hbase hive httpfs hue impala llama mapred oozie solr spark sqoop sqoop2 yarn zookeeper; do sudo kill $(ps -u $u -o pid=); done
  2. If you are uninstalling on RHEL, run the following commands on all Agent hosts to permanently remove Cloudera Manager data. If you want to be able to access any of this data in the future, you must back it up before removing it. If you used an embedded PostgreSQL database, that data is stored in /var/lib/cloudera-scm-server-db.
    sudo umount cm_processes
    sudo rm -Rf /usr/share/cmf /var/lib/cloudera* /var/cache/yum/cloudera* /var/log/cloudera* /var/run/cloudera*
  3. On all Agent hosts, run this command to remove the Cloudera Manager lock file:
    sudo rm /tmp/.scm_prepare_node.lock
  4. This step permanently removes all user data. To preserve the data, copy it to another cluster using the distcp command before starting the uninstall process.
    1. On all Agent hosts, run the following commands:
      sudo rm -Rf /var/lib/flume-ng /var/lib/hadoop* /var/lib/hue /var/lib/navigator /var/lib/oozie /var/lib/solr /var/lib/sqoop* /var/lib/zookeeper
    2. Run the following command on each data drive on all Agent hosts (adjust the paths for the data drives on each host):
      sudo rm -Rf data_drive_path/dfs data_drive_path/mapred data_drive_path/yarn
  5. Stop and remove the databases. If you chose to store Cloudera Manager or user data in an external database, see the database vendor documentation for details on how to remove the databases.