AuthorizationPDF version

Ranger policies allowing create privilege for Hadoop_SQL tables

Users with authorized access through Ranger policies in Hadoop SQL with at least one of the following permissions can create extermal or managed tables on the corresponding database(s) listed in the policy.

  • A user creating external tables with location clauses requires one of the following additional access:
    • direct read and write access to the HDFS location
    • a Ranger Hadoop_SQL URL policy that provides the user read and write permissions on the HDFS location

  • A user creating external tables with location clauses must have read and write permissions on the HDFS location using one of the following:
    • an appropriate HDFS POSIX permission
    • HDFS ACL
    • HDFS Ranger policy
Table 1. Permissions allowing a user to create a table
User Permission Database Table Column UDF
hive and impala all database=* or <database name>
database=* or <database name> all (table=*)
database=* or <database name> all (table=*) all (column=*)
database=* or <database name> udf=*
hive and impala create database=* or <database name>
database=* or <database name> all (table=*)
database=* or <database name> all (table=*) all (column=*)
database=* or <database name> udf=*