Amazon offers several server-side encryption mechanisms for use with Amazon S3 storage.
Cloudera clusters support server-side encryption for Amazon S3 data using either SSE-S3 or
Amazon offers several server-side encryption mechanisms for use with
S3 storage. Cloudera clusters support server-side encryption for Amazon S3 data using either
With SSE-S3, keys are completely under the control of Amazon. With SSE-KMS, you have more
control over the encryption keys, and can upload your own key material to use for encrypting
Amazon S3. With either mechanism, encryption is applied transparently to the Amazon S3 bucket
objects after you configure your cluster to use it.
Amazon S3 also supports TLS/SSL ('wire' or data-in-transit) encryption by
default. Configuring data-at-rest encryption for Amazon S3 for use with
your cluster involves some configuration both on Amazon S3 and for the
cluster, using the Cloudera Manager Admin Console, as detailed below:
Using Amazon S3 assumes that you have an Amazon Web Services account and the appropriate
privileges on the AWS Management Console to set up and configure Amazon S3 buckets.
In addition, to configure Amazon S3 storage for use with a Cloudera cluster, you must have
privileges as the User Administrator or Full Administrator on the Cloudera Manager Admin
Console. See
to Configure AWS Credentials for details.
Amazon S3 and TLS/SSL Encryption🔗
Amazon S3 uses TLS/SSL by default. Cloudera clusters (release 5.9 and later) include in
their default configuration file the boolean property,
fs.s3a.connection.ssl.enabled set to true, which
activates TLS/SSL. This means that if the cluster has been configured to use TLS/SSL,
connections from the cluster to Amazon S3 automatically use TLS wire encryption for the
communication. The value of the fs.s3a.connection.ssl.enabled property can
be confirmed by running hadoop org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration.
If the cluster is not configured to use TLS, the connection to Amazon
S3 silently reverts to an unencrypted connection.
Amazon S3 and Data at Rest Encryption🔗
Cloudera clusters can use either of these two Amazon S3 mechanisms for
data-at-rest encryption:
Encryption with AWS KMS-Managed Keys (SSE-KMS), which requires using Amazon Key
Management Server (AWS KMS) in conjunction with your Amazon S3. You can have Amazon
generate and manage the keys in AWS KMS for you, or you can provide your own key
material, but you must configure AWS KMS and create a key before you can use it with
your cluster. See Prerequisites for Using
SSE-KMS for details.
Encryption with S3-Managed Encryption Keys (SSE-S3), which is simplest to set up because
it uses Amazon-provided and -managed keys and has no requirements beyond setting a
single property. See Configuring the Cluster to Use Server-Side Encryption on Amazon
S3 for details.
Enabling the cluster to use Amazon S3 server-side encryption involves using the Cloudera
Manager Admin Console to configure the Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) as
detailed in Configuring the Cluster to Use Server-Side Encryption on Amazon
S3, below.
The steps assume that your cluster has been set up and that you have set up AWS
Prerequisites for Using SSE-KMS🔗
To use SSE-KMS with your Amazon S3 bucket, you must log in to the AWS Management Console
using the account you set up in Step 1 of Getting Started with Amazon Web
For example, the account lab-iam has an IAM user named etl-workload that has
been granted permissions on the Amazon S3 storage bucket to be configured using SSE-KMS.
Select My Security Credentials from the
Click Encryption keys (bottom left-hand on
the AWS Management Console that displays at step 1, above).
Click the Create key button to start the
5-step key-creation wizard that leads you through entry pages for
giving the key an alias and description; adding tags, defining
administrator permissions to the key, and defining usage
permissions. The last page of the wizard shows you the policy that
will be applied to the key before creating the key.
Configuring the Cluster to Use Server-Side Encryption
on Amazon S3🔗
Follow the steps below to enable server-side encryption on Amazon S3. To use SSE-KMS
encryption, you will need your KMS key ID at step 7. Using SSE-S3 has no
pre-requisites—Amazon generates and manages the keys transparently.
To configure the cluster to encrypt data stored on Amazon S3:
Log into the Cloudera Manager Admin Console.
Clusters > HDFS.
Click the Configuration tab.
Select Scope > HDFS
Category > Advanced.
Locate the Cluster-wide Advanced Configuration Snippet
(Safety Valve) for core-site.xml property.
In the text field, define the properties and values appropriate
for the type of encryption you want to use.
Cloudera clusters can be configured to use only one type of
server-side encryption for Amazon S3 data at a time.
However, Amazon S3 does support using different encryption
keys for objects on an Amazon S3 bucket, which means that Amazon S3
continues to use whichever key was initially used to encrypt data (to
decrypt on reads and re-encrypt on writes), even after a new mechanism
and key exists. Your new key is used on new data written to the Amazon
S3 bucket, while your ‘old’ key is used on any existing data that was
encrypted with it. To summarize the behavior:
Changing encryption mechanisms or keys on Amazon S3 has no
effect on existing encrypted or unencrypted data.
Data stored on Amazon S3 without encryption remains unencrypted
even after you configure encryption for Amazon S3.
Any existing encrypted data continues using the original
mechanism and key to decrypt data (on reads) and re-encrypt data
(on writes).
After changing encryption mode or key, new objects stored on
Amazon S3 from the cluster use the new mode and key.
Effect of Changing Encryption Mode or Key🔗
This table shows the effect on existing encrypted or unencrypted
data on Amazon S3 (far left column labeled "Data starts as...,"
reading down) and the result of "New" and "Existing" data and the
keys that would be used after changing encryption-key configuration
on the cluster. After changing encryption mode or key, existing data
(Existing) and new data (New) use the mode and keys shown in columns
2 ("Unencrypted") through 5 ("Non-SSE Key"):
Data starts as...↓
Data results after modifying
encryption mode or keys...
Non-SSE Key
SSE-S3 encrypted
SSE-KMS [key1]
Existing [key1] New [key2]
Non-SSE key
Migrating Encrypted Data to New Encryption Mode or Key
To use a new key with existing data (data stored on Amazon S3
using a different mechanism or key), you must first decrypt the
data, and then re-encrypt it using the new key. The process is as follows:
Create an Amazon S3 bucket as temporary storage for the
unencrypted files.
Decrypt the data on the Amazon S3 bucket using the
mechanism and key used for encryption (legacy encryption mode
or key), moving the unencrypted data to the temporary bucket
created in step 1.
Configure the Amazon S3 bucket to use the new encryption
mechanism and key of your choice (SSE-S3, SSE-KMS).
Move the unencrypted data from the temporary bucket back to
the Amazon S3 bucket that is now configured using the new
mechanism and key.
Deleting an Encryption Key
If you change encryption modes or keys on Amazon S3, do not delete the key. To
replace the old key and mode with a completely new mode or key, you must manually
migrate the data.
When you delete an encryption key, Amazon puts the key in a Pending Deletion
state (as shown in the Status column of the screenshot below) for at least 7 days,
allowing you to reinstate a key if you change your mind or realize an error.
The pending time frame is configurable, from 7 up to 30 days. See AWS Key
Management Service
for complete details.
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