How to: Jobs ManagementPDF version

Modifying the workflow file manually

You can modify or add the "<credentials>...</credentials>" block at the beginning of the Oozie workflow.xml file. Do not remove any existing credentials from this block, add the new file system credential. Refer the newly defined credential in the action where it needs to be used.

<workflow-app name="MyTestWorkflow" xmlns="uri:oozie:workflow:0.5">
        <credential name="my-s3-creds" type="filesystem">
    <start to="shell-action"/>
    <kill name="Kill">
        <message>Action failed</message>
    <action name="shell-action" cred="my-s3-creds">
        <shell xmlns="uri:oozie:shell-action:0.1">
              <argument>&quot;Hello world&quot;</argument>
        <ok to="End"/>
        <error to="Kill"/>
    <end name="End"/>