Installing Operational Database powered by Apache AccumuloPDF version

Verify your Accumulo installation

You can verify your Accumulo installation using the Accumulo shell.

  • Install the Accumulo CSD file.
  • Install CDP and add the HDFS and ZooKeeper services to your deployment.
  • Install the Accumulo parcel.
  • Add the Accumulo on CDP service to your deployment.
  • Check trace table.
  • Provide user permissions.
  1. Launch the Accumulo shell for the admin user.
    • Unsecure Accumulo
      $ accumulo shell -u root
      Password: ******
      Shell - Apache Accumulo Interactive Shell
      - version: [***ACCUMULO VERSION NUMBER***]
      - instance name: [***ACCUMULO INSTANCE NAME***]
      - instance id: [***ACCUMULO INSTANCE ID***]
      - type 'help' for a list of available commands
    • Secure Accumulo
      kinit -kt /var/run/cloudera-scm-agent/process/[***TIMESTAMP***]-[***SERVICE NAME***]-[***INSTANCE NAME***]/accumulo_on_cdp.keytab accumulo/$[***HOSTNAME***]
      accumulo shell
      Shell - Apache Accumulo Interactive Shell
      - version: [***ACCUMULO VERSION NUMBER***]
      - instance name: [***ACCUMULO INSTANCE NAME***]
      - instance id: [***ACCUMULO INSTANCE ID***]
      - type 'help' for a list of available commands
  2. Run the following commands to verify your installation:
    1. Create a table: createtable test
      The test table is created and becomes the current table.
    2. Grant permission to READ or WRITE on the newly created table. For more information, see Provide user permissions.
    3. Run the following command to provide an additional permission to delete a table.
      grant Table.DROP_TABLE -t test -u accumulo/hostname@REALM.COM
    4. List the admin user's permission and ensure it has admin and system level privileges: userpermission
    5. Insert some rows to the test table:
      insert row f1 q1 v1
      insert row f2 q2 v2
      insert row f3 q3 v3
    6. Scan the table: scan
      row f1:q1 [] v1
      row f2:q2 [] v2
      row f3:q3 [] v3
    7. Delete the test table: root@accumulo test> deletetable
      Table: [test] has been deleted.
The following example shows the verification of an unsecured Accumulo installation:
root@accumulo> createtable test
root@accumulo test> userpermissions

Namespace permissions (accumulo): Namespace.READ, Namespace.ALTER_TABLE

Table permissions (accumulo.metadata): Table.READ, Table.ALTER_TABLE
Table permissions (accumulo.replication): Table.READ
Table permissions (accumulo.root): Table.READ, Table.ALTER_TABLE
Table permissions (test): Table.READ, Table.WRITE, Table.BULK_IMPORT, Table.ALTER_TABLE, Table.GRANT, Table.DROP_TABLE, Table.GET_SUMMARIES
Table permissions (trace): Table.READ, Table.WRITE, Table.BULK_IMPORT, Table.ALTER_TABLE, Table.GRANT, Table.DROP_TABLE, Table.GET_SUMMARIES
root@accumulo test> insert row f1 q1 v1
root@accumulo test> insert row f2 q2 v2
root@accumulo test> insert row f3 q3 v3
root@accumulo test> scan
row f1:q1 [] v1
row f2:q2 [] v2
row f3:q3 [] v3
root@accumulo test> deletetable
deletetable { test } (yes|no)? yes
Table: [test] has been deleted.