A common use case is to monitor memory usage, and trigger a warning
if your system is approaching its upper limit.
To create a memory usage trigger:
In Cloudera Manager, go to the Hosts page.
Click a link in the Name column to open a host
status page.
In the Health Tests section, click
Create Trigger.
On the New Trigger page, enter the name
Resident Memory In Use.
In Expression, set these metric
Scalar Function:
Comparator: >
(greater than).
Scalar Value:
1.75GB. (This is a low value for
demonstration purposes, so that it will trigger the action. In
practice, use a value that more accurately reflects the memory
limits of your cluster.)
Set Action to Mark as
As you work, the Preview shows the resulting chart
and current status of your host.
Scroll down and choose whether to apply this trigger to All
Click Create Trigger.
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