Replication ManagerPDF version

Configuration changes on HDP cluster and CDP Private Cloud Base cluster

You must make some configuration changes on the HDP cluster and CDP Private Cloud Base cluster before you migrate the data from the HDP cluster to a CDP Private Cloud Base cluster.

  1. On the HDP cluster, open the core-site.xml file, enter the following properties, and save the file:
        <value><RM mapping rules for HDP></value>
        <value><RM mapping rules for CDH></value>
        <description>Maps kerberos principals to local user names</description>
  2. On the HDP cluster, open the hdfs-site.xml file, enter the following property, and save the file:
  3. Perform the above steps on the CDP Private Cloud Base cluster.
  4. Create a common Kerberos principal name on both the clusters.
  5. Assign the created Kerberos principal name to all the applicable NameNodes in the source and destination clusters.
  6. To ensure that the same ResourceManager mapping rules are used in both the clusters, update the ResourceManager mapping rules as shown below on both the clusters:
          <HDP mapping rules>
          <CDH mapping rules>
  7. Configure a one-way or two-way trust between the clusters.
    To set a two-way trust between the HDP cluster and CDP Private Cloud Base cluster, perform the following steps:
    1. Create clusters that belong to different Kerberos realms.
      For example, assume that you have Realm: “DRT” for the target cluster and Realm: “DRS” for the source cluster.
    2. Set up /etc/krb5.conf on all the hosts for both the source and target hosts:
      1. [realms] section - Add both the DRS and DRT realms, DRS from the source cluster's Kerberos KDC, admin_server, and default_domain settings.
      2. [domain_realm] section - Add all the hosts of both source and target clusters.
      3. Add krbtgt/DRS@DRT principal on both the source and target hosts that have HDFS NameNode role. To accomplish this task, perform the following steps:
        $ sudo kadmin.local
        kadmin.local: addprinc -pw cloudera krbtgt/DRS@DRT
        WARNING: no policy specified for krbtgt/DRS@DRT; defaulting to no policy
        Principal "krbtgt/DRS@DRT" created
        kadmin.local: listprincs
    3. In Cloudera Manager and Ambari, perform the following steps:
      1. Enable DRT as Trusted Kerberos Realm in source cluster HDFS service's configuration.
      2. Enable DRS as Trusted Kerberos Realm (trusted_realm) in target cluster's configuration along with the source host name where HDFS NameNode role is present.
      3. Enable DRS as Trusted Kerberos Realm in target cluster HDFS service's configuration.
      4. Access the remote HDFS endpoint to verify whether the trust setup is successful. To access the remote HDFS endpoint, run the following commands:
        kinit krbtgt/DRS@DRT
        hadoop fs -ls hdfs://[***REMOTE HDFS ENDPOINT***]:8020/
Configure the user to run YARN jobs on both the clusters.