Replication ManagerPDF version

Configure two-way trust between clusters

A two-way trust between the source cluster and target cluster is required when both the clusters use different Kerberos KDC servers with the same realm or different realms. The staging directory is on the target cluster. It allows the source cluster to access staging on the target cluster for both the DistCp and YARN jobs after you configure the two-way trust between the clusters. The administrator must set up a one-way trust in order to use replication between two kerberized clusters. You can also set up a one-way trust when the staging directory is on the source cluster. Optionally, a two-way trust can be configured.

When the clusters use different Kerberos KDC servers with the same realm, you must point both the clusters to a single Kerberos KDC server and regenerate the keytabs of the migrated cluster in Cloudera Manager.

To point the clusters to a single Kerberos KDC server, perform the following steps:
  1. Create a source cluster and a target cluster that belong to the same realm.

    For example, assume that the realm name is EXAMPLE.COM.

  2. Set up the /etc/krb5.conf file on all the hosts of both the source and target clusters.
  3. Perform the following steps only on the target cluster:
    • [realms] section - In the target cluster, copy EXAMPLE.COM from the source cluster's KDC, admin_server, and default_domain settings.
    • [domain_realm] section - Enlist all the hosts of both source and target clusters.
To regenerate the keytabs of the migrated cluster, perform the following steps:
  1. Log into Cloudera Manager with administrator privileges.
  2. Stop all the services including the Cloudera Management Service.
  3. Go to the Administration > Security > Kerberos credentials page.
  4. Click Setup KDC for this Cloudera Manager option.
  5. In the Setup KDC for this Cloudera Manager wizard, choose the following options:
    1. On the Getting Started page, select MIT KDC. Select I have completed all the above steps after you make sure that all the steps in this page are complete.
    2. Click Continue.
    3. On the Enter KDC Information page, update the KDC Server Host information as per the source cluster configuration.
    4. Click Continue.
    5. Enter the required details in all pages of the wizard to complete the setup.
  6. Go to the Administration > Security > Kerberos Credentials page.
  7. Select all the listed Principal values, and click Regenerate Selected.
  8. Restart the Cloudera Management Service and the clusters.

When the CDP Private Cloud Base source cluster and target cluster use different Kerberos KDC servers with different realms, you must set up a two-way KDC trust between the clusters.

Hive ACID table replication policies use a common staging location on the source or target cluster. To set the staging location path, use the hive.repl.rootdir configuration parameter to configure the HDFS root directory for all replication dumps in the source cluster. The REPL DUMP command dumps data into the staging location and the REPL LOAD command reads the data from the staging location. The REPL DUMP command runs in the source cluster and the REPL LOAD command runs in the target cluster.

When the staging location is on the target cluster, the source cluster hosts access the target HDFS staging location. The target KDC trusts the connections from the source using trusted keytabs. Similarly, if the staging location is on the source cluster, the target cluster hosts access the source HDFS staging location.

To set up two-way trust between the CDP Private Cloud Base source and target cluster, perform the following steps:
  1. Create clusters that belong to different Kerberos realms.

    For example, assume that you have Realm: “DRT” for the target cluster and Realm: “DRS” for the source cluster.

  2. Set up the /etc/krb5.conf file on all hosts of both the source and target hosts:
    1. [realms]section - Enlist both the DRS and DRT realms, DRS from the source cluster's Kerberos KDC, admin_server, and default_domain settings.
    2. [domain_realm] - Enlist all the hosts of both source and target clusters.
    3. Add krbtgt/DRS@DRT principal on both the source and target hosts that have HDFS NameNode role.
      $ sudo kadmin.local
      kadmin.local: addprinc -pw cloudera krbtgt/DRS@DRT
      WARNING: no policy specified for krbtgt/DRS@DRT; defaulting to no policy
      Principal "krbtgt/DRS@DRT" created
      kadmin.local: listprincs
  3. In Cloudera Manager, perform the following steps:
    1. Enable DRT as Trusted Kerberos Realm in source cluster HDFS service's configuration.
    2. Enable DRS as Trusted Kerberos Realm (trusted_realm) in target cluster's configuration along with the source host name where HDFS NameNode role is present.
    3. Enable DRS as Trusted Kerberos Realm in target cluster HDFS service's configuration.
    4. Access the remote HDFS endpoint to verify whether the trust set up is successful. To access the remote HDFS endpoint, run the following commands:
      kinit krbtgt/DRS@DRT
      hadoop fs -ls hdfs://[***REMOTE HDFS ENDPOINT***]>:8020/