Cloudera Runtime Release NotesPDF version

Fixed Issues in Apache HBase

Review the list of HBase issues that are resolved in Cloudera Runtime 7.1.8.

CDPD-34687: HBase multi-cluster client that relies on the existing HBase Replication functionality to provide an eventual consistent solution in cases of primary cluster down time, has been added to 7.1.8.
CDPD-22120: Added the possibility to load custom cost functions. Optional for StochasticLoadBalancer.
HBASE-24408: Introduced a general local region at master side to store the procedure data.
The hfile of this region is stored on the root fs while the wal is stored on the wal fs. This issue supersedes part of the code for HBASE-23326, because the data is stored in MasterData directory now instead of MasterProcs.
The old hfiles are moved to the global hfile archived directory with the suffix $-masterlocalhfile-$. The wal files are moved to the global old wal directory with the suffix $masterlocalwal$. The TimeToLiveMasterLocalStoreHFileCleaner and TimeToLiveMasterLocalStoreWALCleaner are configured by default for cleaning the old hfiles and wal files. The default TTLs are both 7 days.
For more information on Apache HBase 2.4.6 release notes, see Release notes.
  • HBASE-24230
  • HBASE-24276
  • HBASE-26315
  • HBASE-26789
  • HBASE-25006