Cumulative hotfix CDS 3.3.7180.11-1 (CDS 3.3 CHF1 for 7.1.8)

Know more about CDS 3.3 CHF1 for Cloudera Runtime 7.1.8. This cumulative hotfix was released on March 28, 2023.

Following is the list of fixes that were shipped for CDS
  • CDPD-50603: Spark3 parcels required on SLES15
  • CDPD-49113: Backport SPARK-41162: Anti-join must not be pushed below aggregation with ambiguous predicates
  • CDPD-47685: Backport SPARK-40588: Fixed an issue that affected Spark 3
  • CDPD-47467: Backport SPARK-41468: Fixed PlanExpression handling in EquivalentExpressions
  • CDPD-47010: Supporting Parquet nanos timestamps in Spark SQL as long values
  • CDPD-46731: Revert SPARK-38531 and backport SPARK-39612
  • CDPD-45767: Spark3 - Upgraded Apache Commons Text to 1.10.0 due to CVE-2022-42889
  • CDPD-45134: HWC - Cache disable configuration in secure access mode is not enforced at query-level
  • CDPD-44184: HWC DIRECT_READER_V2 task fails with NPE on reading delete delta files
  • CDPD-33992: HWC .table() needs to switch according to the specified read mode
  • CDPD-28576: df.write using HWC throws an error if the order of DF columns is different than order of Hive table columns
  • CDPD-21614: Spark SQL TRUNCATE table not permitted on external purge tables
Table 1. CDS cumulative hotfix 3.3.7180.11-1 download URL
Parcel Repository Location
Table 2. Supported Versions
CDS Powered by Apache Spark Version Dependent Stack Version Supported CDP Versions Cloudera Runtime (7.1.8 CHF4) CDP Private Cloud Base with Cloudera Runtime 7.1.8