Cloudera Manager Release NotesPDF version

What's New in Cloudera Manager 7.7.1

New features and changed behavior for Cloudera Manager 7.7.1.

Cloudera Manager High Availability
You can configure Cloudera Manager for high availability using an Active-Passive failover configuration by installing a load balancer and setting some additional configuration properties. See Configuring Cloudera Manager for High Availability.
Cloudera Manager Secure Credential Store
You can configure Cloudera Manager to encrypt sensitive information stored in the Cloudera Manager database by configuring a Credential Storage Provider (CSP). See Configuring a Secure Credential Storage Provider for Cloudera Manager (Technical Preview) .
New Core Settings service replaces Core Configuration Service
The Core Settings Service allows you to store configuration data without needing to include HDFS in the cluster. See Core Settings Service.
Hive ACID replication policies using Replication Manager
You can create Hive ACID table replication policies in Replication Manager to copy ACID tables between CDP Private Cloud Base clusters for backup, load balancing, and other purposes. See Hive ACID table replication policies
Ozone replication policies using Cloudera Manager APIs
You can use Cloudera Manager APIs to create Ozone replication policies to replicate data in Ozone buckets between CDP Private Cloud Base 7.1.8 clusters or higher using Cloudera Manager 7.7.1 or higher. See Ozone replication policies.
RedHat 8.6 is now a supported operating system
RedHat 8.6 is now supported with Cloudera Manager 7.7.1 and Cloudera Runtime 7.1.8.
MariaDB 10.6 is now a supported operating database
MariaDB 10.6 is now supported with Cloudera Manager 7.7.1 and Cloudera Runtime 7.1.8.
Updated PostgreSQL JDBC driver
The PostgreSQL JDBC driver bundled with Cloudera Manger is now updated to version 42.2.24.
Upgrades to Cloudera Manager 7.7.1 are not supported when there is a CDH 5 cluster present
Cloudera Manager will not allow an upgrade to CDP Private Cloud Base 7.1.8/Cloudera Manager 7.7.1 if Cloudera Manager is managing a CDH 5.x cluster. To upgrade a CDH 5 cluster:
  1. Upgrade Cloudera Manager to version 6.3.4.
  2. Upgrade CDH to version 6.3.4
  3. Upgrade Cloudera Manager to version 7.6.5 or higher.
Functionality to disable Credential Storage Provider feature
Customers with Credential Storage Provider (CSP) enabled can disable the functionality if and when required.
New configuration parameters for user and group creation for Parcel file permissions
Decoupled the configuration setting in Cloudera Manager to allow user creation and updating file permissions to be performed separately during parcel installation. Two new configuration parameters have replaced the Create Users and Groups and Apply File Permissions for Parcels parameter. See Parcel Configuration Settings.
Optimize Avro metrics from agent to Service Monitor
Implemented an optimization in the communication between the Cloudera Manager Agent and Service Monitor that significantly increases monitoring throughput for services that rely on the affected part of the protocol. Examples of services that benefit from this improved scalability are Kudu and Kafka. No action is required to use the optimization.
Cloudera Manager now supports Active Directory objects with additional attributes

Cloudera Manager now supports Active Directory objects with additional attributes other than just accountExpires and objectClass for every new account creation. You can use these additional attributes of an object to identify or search for objects in the Active Directory network using LDAP queries.

You can now start using some of the sample attributes such as employeeType, Usertype, Manager, passwordNeverExpires, etc.