Storing Data Using OzonePDF version

Bucket Layout

Apache Ozone now supports bucket layout feature. This helps you in categorising different Ozone buckets like FSO, OBS, and Legacy.

Apache Ozone object store now supports a multi-protocol aware Bucket Layout. The purpose is to categorize Ozone Bucket based on the prominent use cases:
    • Hierarchical FileSystem namespace view with directories and files similar to HDFS.
    • Provides high performance namespace metadata operations similar to HDFS.
    • Provides capabilities to read/write using Amazon S3.
  • OBJECT_STORE (OBS) Bucket - Provides a flat namespace (key-value) similar to Amazon S3.
  • LEGACY Bucket - Represents existing pre-created buckets for smooth upgrades from previous Ozone version to the new Ozone version
You can create FSO/OBS/LEGACY buckets using following shell commands. You can specify the bucket type in the layout parameter.
  • $ ozone sh bucket create --layout FILE_SYSTEM_OPTIMIZED /s3v/fso-bucket
  • $ ozone sh bucket create --layout OBJECT_STORE /s3v/obs-bucket
  • $ ozone sh bucket create --layout LEGACY /s3v/bucket
This table explains the differences between Bucket Type and Client Interface
Bucket Type S3 Compatible Interface ofs o3fs (Deprecated, not recommended)
URL Scheme: URL Scheme: ofs://om-id/volume/bucket/key URL Scheme: o3fs://
FSO Supports Read, Write, and Delete operations Supports Read, Write, and Delete operations Supports Read, Write, and Delete operations
OBS Supports Read, Write, and Delete operations Unsupported Unsupported