Cloudera Runtime Release NotesPDF version

Fixed Issues in Streams Messaging Manager

Review the list of Streams Messaging Manager (SMM) issues that are resolved in Cloudera Runtime 7.1.8.

CDPD-42979: SMM UI crashes when the TopicDetails page is opened for a topic where there are Latency metrics
Consumer details page does not load for the consumers that have the latency metrics turned on.
CDPD-41420: Schema version is not displayed in SMM when Avro value serializer is chosen
In the Data Explorer now it's possible to see all the schema versions associated with the given topic.
CDPD-41069: Topic can be edited after selecting REPLICATION_STATUS as the alert attribute
Fixed the topic selection dropdown status in the alert editor after various UI events.
CDPD-40758: Improve upon how SchemaRegistryClient is used in connectors
Fixed the issue when setting the "value.converter.serdes.protocol.version" in connectors caused the connector to fail on startup because the configuration property wasn't properly converted to a byte value.
CDPD-40286: When using Oracle we can have a NPE during configuration
When using the Oracle database, the customer has the option to provide custom connection properties. Due to a bug, these connection properties were mandatory, which caused an error in case they were not provided.
CDPD-39980: /api/v1/admin/auth/access throws NPE on unsecure environments
Fixed issue "/api/v1/admin/auth/access" throwing InternalServerError (Http code 500) when accessing the endpoint in a non-kerberized environment.
CDPD-39826: The Restart button for the ConnectorTasks is permanently disabled
Fixed issue where, on the ConnectorDetails page, the "Restart" button for the tasks within the connector is permanently disabled.
CDPD-30370: When TLS is enabled, SMM should connect to SR
When TLS is enabled, SMM by default cannot properly connect to Schema Registry.
OPSAPS-63564: SMM API request log file is created in the wrong folder
SMM's api request log file is created in /var/log/streams-messaging-manager/ folder; affects CM >= 7.7.0.
OPSAPS-62430: Auto-configure Kafka Connect's Rest configs for SMM
When Kafka Connect Host is left empty then it will configure Kafka Connect Protocol/Host/Port automatically based on selected Kafka Service dependency's Kafka Connect role. Old entries are kept to be able to override these settings.
OPSAPS-62384: Add cache size and max size for kafkaMetricsApiClientConfig properties
The following configurations are not present in the SMM configs, these have to be added through the "streams-messaging-manager.yaml_role_safety_valve" safety valve. For example:
  • kafkaMetricsApiClientConfig_cache_expiration_millis: 30000

    Expiration of ProducerLineages' cache returned by /admin/lineages/ endpoint.

  • kafkaMetricsApiClientConfig_cache_maximum_size: 1000

    Maximum size of ProducerLineages' cache returned by /admin/lineages/ endpoint.

CDPD-61115: Requests made to /api/v1/admin/metrics/aggregated/* endpoints fail with error 500 if a custom time interval is specified
The /api/v1/admin/metrics/aggregated/* endpoints no longer fail with error 500 if a custom time interval is specified.