Activating an AWS environment with private subnet support

This topic describes the procedure for activating an AWS environment to use private subnets in Cloudera Data Warehouse (CDW) Public Cloud.

After you have registered your environment with CDP, navigate to CDW service and perform the following steps to activate the environment.

Required role: DWAdmin

  1. In the CDW service, expand the Environments column by clicking the Moreā€¦ menu on the left side of the page.
  2. In the Environments column, click the search icon and locate the environment for which you want to configure private networking.
  3. When you locate the environment, click the activation icon to activate it for use in the CDW service:

    The Activation Settings dialog box launches.

  4. Specify the Deployment Mode:

  5. To view the public and private subnets specified for your CDP environment, click Advanced Settings.
  6. Click Activate.