To troubleshoot issues with Cloudera Data Warehouse, download diagnostic bundles ZIP files stored in your public cloud
account. This capability is available on AWS environments only.
- Before you can download log files, you must, of course, run workloads on your
Hive or Impala Virtual Warehouse to generate the logs.
- Obtain the DWAdmin role.
Log in to the Cloudera web interface and navigate to the Cloudera Data Warehouse service.
Collect a diagnostic bundle for your environment, Database Catalog, or Virtual
Warehouse as follows:
- Environment bundle: In Environments, find your environment, click
, and then
click Collect Diagnostic Bundle.
- Database Catalog bundle: Click , and click Collect Diagnostic Bundle.
- Virtual Warehouse bundle: Click Overview in the left navigation panel,
select your Virtual Warehouse, click
, and
click Collect Diagnostic Bundle.
Select information about events within selectable time ranges, or select By Custom Time Interval, and specify the interval you want.
The Collect For field is available only for AWS
environments with Amazon CloudWatch enabled. It allows you to choose the type of
logs to include in the diagnostic bundle.
Click Collect.
After some time, depending on your cluster size and log sizes, but typically
after 10 seconds, a message indicating completion appears indicating the
diagnostic bundle is generated:
Collection of Diagnostic Bundle … initiated.
Go to the Overview page, locate the environment, Database
Catalog, or Virtual Warehouse from which you want to collect diagnostic data,
and click .
In Diagnostic Bundles, copy the location of the diagnostic bundle ZIP file you want to download.
In the Amazon S3 management console, navigate to the location of the diagnostic bundle ZIP file, download the ZIP file, decompress it, and look at the troubleshooting information in the files.